A DevOps Engineer, or Development Operations Engineer, manages and improves the communication between the operational and developmental sides of the software development process. Their main duties include launching product updates, locating production errors and issues and building integrations that improve users’ experience.
A DevOps Engineer 應該能夠履行各種職責和責任。以下是 DevOps Engineer 應該能夠執行的一些職責和責任:
- Guide teams in designing, building, testing and deploying changes to existing software
- Enhance the company’s IT infrastructure security protocols
- Identify manual processes that can be automated
- Consider the organization’s entire IT infrastructure when making changes and improvements
- Maintain and improve the company’s cloud infrastructure
有競爭力的DevOps Engineer將擁有一定的技能和資格,包括:
- Security: While continually updating code to make the system run faster and better, the DevOps Engineer also must make sure that the changes to improve the system don’t accidentally make the system more vulnerable to attack.
- Flexibility: The DevOps Engineer will update sections of software, as well as simultaneously managing changes to other parts of the program.
- Collaboration: A DevOps Engineer will assist team members as needed.
- Scripting Skills: DevOps Engineers must know how to use scripting programs such as Ruby, PHP, Pearl and Python.
- Soft Skills: A DevOps Engineer should possess interpersonal, management and decision-making skills.