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Transport > Supply Chain Analyst
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🚌 Transport
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Supply Chain Analyst

🚌 Transport
🚌 Transport
Supply Chain Analysts are typically employed by companies who have large supply chains that need regular assessment. They work in diverse industries including e-commerce, retail, manufacturing, food, government and nongovernment organizations. These professionals supervise the components of a company’s logistics system from placing orders to transportation to delivery.
Một Supply Chain Analyst làm gì?
A Supply Chain Analyst, or Supply Chain Specialist, ensures the company’s supply meets the customers’ demand. Their duties include overseeing the company’s supply chains, ensuring timely delivery and keeping the company on budget.
Trách nhiệm
Một Supply Chain Analyst phải có khả năng hoàn thành nhiều nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm khác nhau. Sau đây là một số nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm mà một Supply Chain Analyst phải có khả năng thực hiện:
  • Collect data on supply chain operations.
  • Analyze data to identify areas of supply chain operations to improve efficiency.
  • Develop and execute projects to enhance supply chain operations.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with shippers and vendors.
  • Assess vendor operations and enforce compliance with quality standards.
  • Measure supply chain performance and report to management.
Kỹ năng cần thiết
Một Supply Chain Analyst cạnh tranh sẽ có một số kỹ năng và trình độ nhất định, bao gồm:
  • Bachelor’s degree in supply chain management, logistics, business management or related fields
  • Two or more years’ experience in a supply management role or related position
  • Proven knowledge of inventory management
  • Excellent mathematical and analytical skills
  • Working knowledge of data analysis and forecasting tools and ability to develop actionable insights from data
  • Interpersonal skills and ability to build and improve trusting relationships
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