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Social Media Coordinator

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Social Media Coordinators typically work for corporations across various industries as a member of the marketing department. They work closely with other marketing professionals to develop campaigns that align with their company’s brand image or new product offerings. Their job is to contact influencers, apply SEO tactics to ensure maximum consumer engagement and maintain social media profiles on behalf of their company. They may also be responsible for contributing to the content creation process by creating social media posts or designing logos or infographics.
Một Social Media Coordinator làm gì?
A Social Media Coordinator, or Social Media Marketing Coordinator, is responsible for collaborating with other marketing and sales professionals to develop successful social media campaigns. Their duties include communicating with freelance Content Creators, overseeing social media campaign schedules, and pulling KPI data to determine social media campaigns’ success.
Trách nhiệm
Một Social Media Coordinator phải có khả năng hoàn thành nhiều nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm khác nhau. Sau đây là một số nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm mà một Social Media Coordinator phải có khả năng thực hiện:
  • Understanding KPI’s and defining them specifically for social media
  • Collaborating with designers or copywriters to provide attractive and informative campaigns
  • Monitoring all social media content
  • Tracking the performance of the campaign
  • Keeping up with technologies used in social media
  • Using social media marketing tools
Kỹ năng cần thiết
Một Social Media Coordinator cạnh tranh sẽ có một số kỹ năng và trình độ nhất định, bao gồm:
  • One or more years of experience as a Social Media Coordinator or similar role.
  • Proficient in business posts on social media platforms.
  • Understand SEO and web traffic data.
  • Experience researching buyer and consumer persona.
  • Understand social media KPIs.
  • Familiar with web page design and publishing.
Ưu đãi tương tự
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