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Media Planner

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Media Planners can work for marketing agencies or as part of an in-house marketing department to implement a company’s brand strategy. They assess marketing objectives and do research to determine the most advantageous methods for using media platforms to promote those objectives. Media Planners run tests to determine which advertising methods are most effective and share analytic and creative feedback to refine advertising content. They align advertisement information with their target audience’s media habits. They collect data measuring key performance indicators for the success of advertising methods and adjust their media strategies to promote a more effective brand message.
Một Media Planner làm gì?
A Media Planner, or Brand Strategist, is responsible for developing strategic plans for carrying out marketing campaigns using various media channels. Their duties include analyzing digital marketing metrics, collaborating with clients to refine marketing objectives and distributing advertising content to the most impactful media platforms.
Trách nhiệm
Một Media Planner phải có khả năng hoàn thành nhiều nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm khác nhau. Sau đây là một số nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm mà một Media Planner phải có khả năng thực hiện:
  • Ensuring that advertising messages align with client or company objectives
  • Monitoring the performance of online and offline advertising campaigns and reporting the results to relevant stakeholders
  • Researching the current media landscape and keeping up to date with the latest media trends
  • Determining the most suitable media mix given the nature of each client’s business, budget and preferred advertising media
  • Building and maintaining relationships with clients, advertising platforms and media influencers
Kỹ năng cần thiết
Một Media Planner cạnh tranh sẽ có một số kỹ năng và trình độ nhất định, bao gồm:
  • Strong knowledge of a range of online media platforms and offline media such as print, TV and radio
  • Ability to use a variety of advertising analytics tools, databases and spreadsheet programs to track and manage advertising campaigns
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to network
  • Good analytical and organizational skills
  • Effective at working under pressure and meeting tight deadlines
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