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Health > Telemetry Nurse
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Telemetry Nurse

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💊 Health
A telemetry nurse cares for patients with heart conditions and high blood pressure as well as patients who have a history of stroke, heart attack, angina and heart failure. By providing continuous monitoring and coordinating the activities of other staff, telemetry nurses can raise the quality of care that your hospital provides to cardiac patients. Telemetry nurses also help patients better understand their heart conditions and fully explain doctors’ instructions to increase compliance and improve overall medical outcomes. During medical crises, prompt care delivered by telemetry nurses can lower the likelihood of fatality.
ایک Telemetry Nurse کیا کرتا ہے؟
The primary responsibility of a telemetry nurse is to monitor the heart rate and rhythm of patients who require close supervision in a hospital setting.
ذمہ داریاں
A Telemetry Nurse کو مختلف فرائض اور ذمہ داریاں نبھانے کے قابل ہونا چاہیے۔ ذیل میں کچھ فرائض اور ذمہ داریاں ہیں جو ایک Telemetry Nurse کو انجام دینے کے قابل ہونا چاہئے:
  • Using electrocardiogram (EKG) machines to continuously track heart performance
  • Analyzing EKG results to establish baselines and spot abnormalities
  • Recording EKG results to keep patient information accurate
  • Overseeing stress tests to assess patients’ heart function
  • Delivering emergency medical care when patients suffer heart attacks or other life-threatening problems
  • Overseeing and coordinating the activities of telemetry technicians and other staff in their units
مطلوبہ ہنر
ایک مسابقتی Telemetry Nurse کے پاس کچھ مہارتیں اور قابلیتیں ہوں گی، بشمول:
  • High-level knowledge of cardiac medicine
  • Proficiency at operating EKG equipment and interpreting EKGs
  • Strong oral communication skills to interact effectively with patients, physicians and other staff
  • Leadership skills to direct the efforts of other staff and provide effective coaching
  • Knowledge of health information software used to maintain patient records
  • Multitasking ability to monitor and care for multiple patients at once
اسی طرح کی پیشکش
اگر آپ ایک Telemetry Nurse سے متعلق عہدوں کے لیے بھرتی کر رہے ہیں، تو اسی طرح کے کرداروں کے لیے ہماری ملازمت کی تفصیل دیکھیں:
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