Інженерія > Software Test Engineer
Software Test Engineer
A Software Test Engineer creates and runs various testing procedures on software products, using both manual and automated testing methods, to ensure they work properly. They work on new software that’s being developed to look for bugs that prevent the software from functioning as expected, and they might also test existing software to look for ways to improve it. Software Test Engineers typically work for software development companies and work on all types of software used in various industries. They work closely with the rest of the software development team, giving them feedback and reporting bugs they find to work together to improve the product.
A Software Test Engineer, or Software Testing Engineer, implements testing procedures on software programs. Their duties include developing testing procedures, carrying out the software testing and creating reports on the software’s performance.
A Software Test Engineer کو مختلف فرائض اور ذمہ داریاں نبھانے کے قابل ہونا چاہیے۔ ذیل میں کچھ فرائض اور ذمہ داریاں ہیں جو ایک Software Test Engineer کو انجام دینے کے قابل ہونا چاہئے:
- Creating testing procedures to evaluate the performance of the software
- Building software testing programs that automate testing processes
- Running the software testing procedures to evaluate the software
- Reporting bugs and making recommendations to improve the software product
- Collaborating with other Test Engineers, Software Programmers and other team members
- Retesting software after bugs are fixed to ensure the program works properly
ایک مسابقتی Software Test Engineer کے پاس کچھ مہارتیں اور قابلیتیں ہوں گی، بشمول:
- Strong technical abilities and comfort working with various software programs
- Knowledge of various programming languages, depending on the project
- Problem-solving skills
- Written and verbal communication skills to successfully share their testing results and make recommendations
- Ability to work well as part of a software development team
- Familiarity with testing processes, including creating a test plan and opening bugs
اگر آپ ایک Software Test Engineer سے متعلق عہدوں کے لیے بھرتی کر رہے ہیں، تو اسی طرح کے کرداروں کے لیے ہماری ملازمت کی تفصیل دیکھیں:
ہمارے پاس بہت کچھ ہے! Paidwork جابز پر تمام مختلف زمروں کو دریافت کریں۔
مزید ملازمتیں دریافت کریں۔
اس نوکری کے لیے ایک Paidwork ٹاسک دستیاب ہے۔ بھرتی کو چھوڑیں اور آج ہی کمانا شروع کریں!
انتظار نہ کریں، ابھی کمائیں!
اس نوکری کے لیے ایک Paidwork ٹاسک دستیاب ہے۔ بھرتی کو چھوڑیں اور آج ہی کمانا شروع کریں!
ابھی کمانا شروع کریں۔