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دیگر > Production Planner
تمام پیشکشیں 2
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Production Planner

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A Production Planner works with both managers and production employees to ensure the company hits its production goals on time and within budget. They handle all the scheduling and ensure the materials, machines and workspaces are ready to go to increase production efficiency. Production Planners monitor the overall situation, including incoming orders, supply chain problems, market changes and inventory issues, to minimize the impact on production. They collaborate with other departments and the management team to set production goals. Production Planners also ensure the workforce needs are met with the proper scheduling of employees.
ایک Production Planner کیا کرتا ہے؟
A Production Planner, or Production Scheduler, manages the scheduling and timeliness of the production process to ensure the company meets all deadlines. Their duties include managing material and equipment availability, scheduling production and monitoring the production process for problems.
ذمہ داریاں
A Production Planner کو مختلف فرائض اور ذمہ داریاں نبھانے کے قابل ہونا چاہیے۔ ذیل میں کچھ فرائض اور ذمہ داریاں ہیں جو ایک Production Planner کو انجام دینے کے قابل ہونا چاہئے:
  • Evaluating raw materials and equipment to ensure everything is in place for production
  • Scheduling shifts and workers to provide proper coverage
  • Watching costs to ensure the production process stays within budget
  • Reporting on the production status and any production issues to upper management
  • Handling production disruptions and productivity problems
  • Finding ways to improve productivity and reduce costs
مطلوبہ ہنر
ایک مسابقتی Production Planner کے پاس کچھ مہارتیں اور قابلیتیں ہوں گی، بشمول:
  • Knowledge of production processes and quality control
  • Math and analytical skills
  • Technical skills using material requirements planning and scheduling software
  • Verbal and written communication skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work well with all levels of employees
اسی طرح کی پیشکش
اگر آپ ایک Production Planner سے متعلق عہدوں کے لیے بھرتی کر رہے ہیں، تو اسی طرح کے کرداروں کے لیے ہماری ملازمت کی تفصیل دیکھیں:
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