Referees work at all levels of play to officiate all types of sporting matches and events. While specific duties can vary based on the sport, their overall job is to ensure safe and fair gameplay based on the rules of the sport and the specific league. The Referee decides when to start and stop the game and may monitor the duration of the periods for the game. They also decide if a player breaks a rule that disqualifies them or earns them a penalty
Що робить Referee?
A Referee, or Sports Official, officiates a sporting event to enforce the rules of the game and maintain a safe playing environment. Their duties include ensuring all players follow the game and league rules, determining when someone scores a point and resolving conflicts to keep the competition under control.
Referee має бути в змозі виконувати різні обов'язки та відповідальність. Нижче наведено деякі обов'язки та відповідальність, які Referee повинен мати можливість виконувати:
Explaining the rules and expectations at the beginning of a sporting match
Monitoring players and calling out fouls, infractions or other violations
Determining when points are scored
Enforcing the rules for all players
Preventing fights and other poor conduct to create a safe environment
Необхідні навички
Конкурентоздатний Referee матиме певні навички та кваліфікацію, зокрема:
Knowledge of the sport and the rules of the game
Decisive and confident in their decisions
Impartial decision-making
Interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate well verbally
Attention to detail and focus
Teamwork to collaborate with other game officials
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