A Deputy Sheriff, or Sheriff’s Deputy, patrols counties to ensure citizens’ safety. Their duties include arresting criminals, investigating county crimes and providing assistance during emergency events or natural disasters.
Ett -NAMN- bör kunna uppfylla olika plikter och ansvarsområden. Följande är några uppgifter och ansvarsområden som en Deputy Sheriff bör kunna utföra:
- Conduct criminal investigations.
- Obtain any necessary warrants and arrest suspects.
- Be present in courtrooms and guard courthouses.
- Gather evidence, interview witnesses and conduct any crime scene investigations.
- Fill out forms and detailed reports.
- Patrol their assigned sectors.
En konkurrenskraftig Deputy Sheriff kommer att ha vissa färdigheter och kvalifikationer, inklusive:
- Physical strength to be able to defend themselves and others when confronted with a fight.
- Physical stamina and endurance to keep up with the rigor of the job.
- Perceptiveness to be able to understand things from another person’s point of view.
- Leadership skills to be comfortable in the eye of the public and keep the peace during emergency situations.
- Problem solving skills help when in a tough situation that requires immediate action.