A UX Writer, or User Experience Writer, creates the written content users see on software, apps and other interfaces. Their duties include research, writing and conveying certain messages through words.
A UX Writer ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care UX Writer ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
- Writing grammatically correct content for user interfaces
- Proofreading and editing copy
- Creating the brand voice through words
- Reviewing business requirements to create copy that fits
- Conducting A/B testing on copy
- Creating solutions based on user feedback, usability testing and metrics
Un competitiv UX Writer va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
- Strong writing skills and a strong understanding of grammar
- Ability to communicate well and put ideas into written words
- Knowledge of usability testing and A/B testing
- Strong research skills
- Excellent technical skills
- Creativity and the ability to switch to different voices
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