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State Trooper

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State troopers promote traffic safety and compliance with state and federal laws related to driving by patrolling highways from a mobile patrol unit. Also known as highway patrol officers or state highway patrol officers, state troopers have powers of arrest and may also enforce public safety laws. State troopers’ duties are assigned on a state-by-state basis, and these duties can vary significantly between states.
Ce face un State Trooper?
A state trooper, or state police officer, is a law enforcement professional employed by a state agency. They’re responsible for enforcing traffic and criminal laws on state-regulated highways, responding to emergencies involving motorists and assisting with detours and evacuations.
A State Trooper ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care State Trooper ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Enforcing speed limits and other vehicular laws on state-managed highways
  • Rendering first aid to automobile accident victims
  • Providing backup for local, county and federal law enforcement agencies
  • Managing road closures during mass evacuations, severe weather and crashes
  • Investigating vehicle collisions
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv State Trooper va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to multitask under stressful, potentially life-threatening conditions
  • Excellent physical conditioning
  • Good judgement in emergency situations
  • Willingness to work nontraditional hours, including nights, weekends and holidays
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