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Sănătate > Spa Therapist
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Spa Therapist

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Spas provide a variety of services for clients, including massages, facials, soaks, aromatherapy and body wraps. A Spa Therapist may be expected to administer many services or have one key area of focus, depending on the employer’s needs. Either way, they are one of the key determiners of client satisfaction. When they meet or exceed expectations when performing Spa Therapist job duties, they can ensure that clients have a good experience and are eager to return for future services. In addition, satisfied clients may refer others, helping the spa’s business to grow. The inventory control aspect of a therapist’s responsibilities reduces the risk of loss due to theft, and by suggesting additional services and products, professionals in the field may increase sales revenue for their employers.
Ce face un Spa Therapist?
A Spa Therapist, or Spa Technician, performs services for clients in luxury spa settings. They administer therapies, update client records and clean and sanitize equipment and instruments.
A Spa Therapist ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Spa Therapist ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Asking questions to uncover clients’ preferences and identify any medical concerns or allergies
  • Explaining the steps of therapies and answering questions before, during and after services
  • Administering therapies, such as massages and facials
  • Notating client records with services performed and any important reminders for future services
  • Thoroughly cleaning equipment and changing sheets before each appointment
  • Updating inventory when removing supplies from storage
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Spa Therapist va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Interviewing skills for gathering client information before performing a service
  • Ability to utilize the equipment and perform the techniques necessary to perform services
  • Customer service skills to respond positively when clients express concerns
  • Oral communication skills to explain procedures in simple, clear terms
  • Knowledge of best practices for therapies and health and safety regulations
  • Ability to transport equipment and supplies that may weigh up to 50 lbs. from one place to another
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