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Finanțe > Purchasing Manager
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💰 Finanțe

Purchasing Manager

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💰 Finanțe
💰 Finanțe
Purchasing Managers work in all industries to secure the materials, supplies and equipment a company needs to complete essential business functions. This includes all kinds of products from raw materials to packaging and shipping supplies. The role of a Purchasing Manager is to design purchasing strategies that ensure constant availability of inventory within the company’s budget. Purchasing Mangers develop databases of potential suppliers and cultivate working relationships to ease the process of acquiring new materials.
Ce face un Purchasing Manager?
A Purchasing Manager, or Materials Manager, is in charge of supervising the process of sourcing and purchasing essential materials for a business’s operations. Their duties include researching raw materials suppliers and comparing costs, negotiating purchase agreements and developing inventory controls to identify demand for new materials.
A Purchasing Manager ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Purchasing Manager ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Planning and overseeing the work of Buyers and Purchasing Agents
  • Hiring and training new staff
  • Developing an organization’s procurement rules and regulations
  • Establishing guidelines on how often the company gets price quotes for items, the number of bids to accept and which vendors to consider
  • Buying goods and services for the company
  • Evaluating quality, price, reliability, technical support and availability of goods and services
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Purchasing Manager va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Knowledge of procurement software and tools
  • Interpersonal skills such as teamwork and good listening skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to manage time and organize
  • Strong leadership skills
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