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Library Assistant

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Library Assistants generally work at public libraries and schools to facilitate a library’s programming and provide clerical support to the Librarians on staff. They keep the book stacks organized by shelving books according to the Dewey Decimal System, making note of missing and damaged books and setting aside reserved books for library patrons. Library assistants staff the circulation desk to check out books and other resources to visitors and process fine payments. They may also assist with setting up the library for events like story time for kids or teen book club.
Ce face un Library Assistant?
Library Assistants, or Library Clerks, are responsible for assisting with the administration and organization of a library. Their duties include helping library visitors find the right reference materials, processing interlibrary loans and signing up visitors for their own library card.
A Library Assistant ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Library Assistant ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Loan library materials such as books and DVDs to patrons and collect the returned materials.
  • Catalog and maintain the library materials.
  • Handle loans between libraries.
  • Organize and reshelve returned items such as periodicals, books and DVDs.
  • Handle the registration of new library cardholders and issue library cards.
  • Answer any questions from patrons.
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Library Assistant va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Library Assistants will come in contact with the public on a daily basis, helping them find books and check them out. Interpersonal skills are very important.
  • Library Assistants also use library software daily to help people do research or look for material, as well as maintain the library’s database.
  • Library Assistants need to listen to the patrons who need their help, answer their questions clearly and teach them how to use the resources. They also have to follow instructions from librarians.
  • Library Assistants have to be detail-oriented in order to make sure information and material is filed correctly. Processing library materials requires attention to detail.
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