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Science > Laborer
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🧪 Science


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🧪 Science
🧪 Science
Laborers typically work for construction companies or contractors to perform physical labor throughout the building process. They work closely with a team of Laborers and divide up tasks to complete them by set deadlines. Their job is to review blueprints, take measurements and use tools like shovels, jackhammers, concrete mixers or nail guns to carry out specific jobs. They may also be responsible for directing traffic during roadway construction and operating heavy machinery.
Ce face un Laborer?
Laborer, is responsible for performing various tasks to aid daily operations at a construction site. Their duties include loading and unloading tools or raw materials, assembling scaffolding or other pieces of equipment and digging or filling in pits throughout the construction process.
A Laborer ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Laborer ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Cleaning and preparing construction sites.
  • Loading and unloading materials and equipment.
  • Building and taking down scaffolding and temporary structures.
  • Digging trenches, compacting earth and backfilling holes.
  • Operating and tending machinery and heavy equipment.
  • Following instructions from supervisors and implementing construction plans.
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Laborer va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Color vision: Laborers must be able to distinguish color clearly to perform their duties, such as knowing which colors of wire an electrician needs.
  • Mathematics: Laborers have to perform calculations every day. Math skills that are vital to laborers include algebra and trigonometry, among others.
  • Mechanical acuity: Laborers also must maintain and operate heavy equipment and machinery, from forklifts to jackhammers and more.
  • Stamina and endurance: To perform their very physical job, laborers have to conduct strenuous and physically demanding tasks for long hours and in extreme environmental conditions.
  • Strength: The lifting duties involved in the job of a laborer often require lifting and carrying weights in excess of 50 pounds.
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