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Sănătate > Herpetologist
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Herpetologists work in research labs, as professors, in zoos and in outdoor field settings. They study reptiles and amphibians, do research on live species in natural habitats and review preserved samples in laboratory settings. Graduate students often work as lab assistants early in their careers. Herpetologists that work in zoos handle and care for reptiles and amphibians. A herpetologist may also be responsible for setting up exhibits and providing care such as feeding and medication administration. Herpetologists working in the field assess issues, such as pollution and disease, that pose health risks and dangers to wild species.
Ce face un Herpetologist?
A herpetologist is a zoology professional specializing in the care and study of amphibians and reptile species, including snakes, frogs, lizards, alligators, and turtles. Their duties include conducting research in the wild or controlled science lab settings, conducting educational lectures and working with various species in zoological settings.
A Herpetologist ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Herpetologist ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Maintaining reptile enclosures
  • Assisting with venom extractions when researching snakes
  • Feeding plants and animals in exhibits
  • Creating plans for reptile husbandry
  • Maintaining research databases
  • Recording behavior, feeding data and husbandry data
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Herpetologist va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Strong research skills
  • A bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or Ph.D to meet the educational requirements of your job opening
  • Candidate is comfortable working with the public if the position includes educating others and hosting reptile and amphibian exhibits
  • Ability to work independently if position entails field work or research
  • Good critical thinking skills
  • Candidate is comfortable working in various settings, such as research labs, outdoors, zoos and museums
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