Sănătate > Health Administrator
Health Administrator
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Health Administrators typically work for hospitals, clinics and other healthcare organizations to monitor the effectiveness of their facility and make improvements as needed. They work with other healthcare professionals to look for new ways to streamline care services within their facility. Their job is to hire staff members, review financial statements, read about new laws and regulations that could affect current operations and implement new technologies and procedures accordingly. They may also appeal to local businesses or government agencies for funding to expand their facility or maintain operations.
A Health Administrator, or Healthcare Administrator, is responsible for overseeing practices and procedures within a healthcare organization. Their duties include setting budgets for their facility, ensuring their facility adheres to health laws and regulations and implementing new methods to increase efficiency and patient experiences within their facility.
A Health Administrator ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Health Administrator ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
- Evaluate the budget and create reports with recommendations to cut costs
- Schedule employees based on patient needs
- Oversee the organization of all patient records
- Stay up to date on healthcare laws and regulations
- Offer recommendations to decision-makers on ways to improve the efficiency of the office
Un competitiv Health Administrator va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
- Health Administrators are often involved in multiple projects at one time. They should be well organized and able to complete each project on time.
- Medical staff and patients will often come to the Health Administrator with their concerns. They should be able to actively listen and find solutions.
- Good analytical skills will assist the Health Administrator with creating reports, presenting data and evaluating trends.
- Health Administrators often discuss such matters as medical procedures and fee payments with staff and patients. They must be able to communicate in a clear and effective manner, both in writing and verbally.
- Because Health Administrators spend much of their workday using technology to communicate, create reports and determine trends, they should have experience with basic technology and programs.
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