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Administrație > Director of Facilities
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🚀 Administrație

Director of Facilities

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🚀 Administrație
🚀 Administrație
The Director of Facilities oversees all aspects of running your facility. This senior-level position deals with budgeting, maintenance, purchasing, planning and other activities that go into operations. They’re responsible for the safety and security of everyone who uses the facility as well as supporting profitability and growth. These professionals work with all outside vendors and contractors, negotiating contracts and ensuring those entities deliver as promised. The Director of Facilities typically manages the facility maintenance staff and other team members who deal with daily operations.
Ce face un Director of Facilities?
A Director of Facilities, or Director of Building and Facilities Operation, manages all aspects of a facility’s operations. Their duties include budget management, facility planning and building system maintenance.
A Director of Facilities ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Director of Facilities ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Creating and monitoring the facility’s budget
  • Scheduling and managing routine maintenance on all building systems
  • Mitigating risk and overseeing safety and security
  • Inspecting the facility routinely to look for issues
  • Overseeing all contractors that work with the facility
  • Ensuring the facility complies with relevant laws, regulations and safety standards
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Director of Facilities va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Project management experience
  • Budgeting experience and strong math skills
  • Strong negotiation skills
  • Understanding of laws and regulations along with the willingness to keep up with changes
  • Familiarity with construction, architecture and various systems, such as HVAC and electrical
  • Leadership and interpersonal skills
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