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Administrație > Crime Scene Investigator
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Crime Scene Investigator

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Crime Scene Investigators are typically employed by law enforcement agencies or coroner’s offices to help identify and preserve evidence from crime scenes. They take written notes at the crime scene that they can then use in conjunction with photographs and other details to create a written report of what they saw. Their job is to survey the scene to identify any potential evidence like household objects, blood, hair or other bodily fluids. They also take preventative measures by wearing shoe coverings, gloves and sometimes even masks or hazmat suits. This is to make sure that they don’t contaminate the scene in any way.
Ce face un Crime Scene Investigator?
A Crime Scene Investigator, or Crime Scene Technician, is responsible for assisting law enforcement officials by collecting evidence from a crime scene for future analysis. Their duties include taking photographs of a crime scene, marking and bagging up potential evidence for forensics professionals and providing insights throughout the investigation and at the trial stage.
A Crime Scene Investigator ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Crime Scene Investigator ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Collaborating with law enforcement to identify and secure the crime scene
  • Looking for and identifying physical clues at the crime scene to help reconstruct the act of the crime
  • Identifying and recording physical evidence such as impressions, DNA evidence, firearms evidence and chemical evidence
  • Following a strict procedural code to document and preserve physical evidence to send to a forensic lab for analysis
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Crime Scene Investigator va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Understanding of the law: Crime Scene Investigators often work with law enforcement agencies and use their knowledge of the law to follow strict protocol.
  • Problem-solving: Crime Scene Investigators use their expertise in identifying evidence to help law enforcement determine what happened at the crime scene.
  • Photography: While working the crime scene, Crime Scene Investigators document physical evidence through photography. They properly light areas that they photograph and take pictures from different angles.
  • Attention to detail: Crime Scene Investigators look for physical evidence such as impressions, DNA and chemical evidence that may be barely noticeable or which may need to undergo a chemical test to be visible.
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