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Administrație > City Clerk
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🚀 Administrație

City Clerk

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🚀 Administrație
🚀 Administrație
City Clerks are critical members of local governments, as they conduct, oversee or support much of the day-to-day work that ensures city agencies run well. They often act as liaisons between elected officials and the people they serve as well as between agencies and departments within the local government. As hired employees of the city, these clerks often work closely with city council members, mayors and the leadership of various local agencies.
Ce face un City Clerk?
A City Clerk, or Municipal Clerk, performs administrative duties for city governments or agencies within a city. Some common duties of City Clerks, and responsibilities you might highlight on a City Clerk job description, include record keeping and filing, taking minutes during council meetings and helping coordinate local elections.
A City Clerk ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care City Clerk ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Draft, proofread or edit city or town bylaws
  • Record data using computer systems and other archiving and storage tools
  • Prepare, review or submit reports related to city financial, legal or business activity
  • Support offices in processing city tax collections
  • Communicate issues between businesses or the general public and public officials
  • Support human resources, auditors or other staff in the town or city government
  • Manage council meetings
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv City Clerk va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Organization and administrative skills
  • Computer and data management skills that are necessary in creating, submitting and managing records and reports
  • Communication skills, including negotiation and de-escalation skills
  • Time management skills, including resource management
  • Knowledge and understanding of local laws, government agencies and public processes
  • Accounting knowledge or skills for helping manage taxes and budgets
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