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Sănătate > Child Psychologist
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Child Psychologist

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Children Psychologists typically work for mental health facilities, counseling clinics, private practices and hospitals to help children overcome significant life changes and mental health conditions. They work closely with children and their families to help them improve their home life and make beneficial changes for the child’s mental health. Their job is to listen to children talk about their feelings and ask children questions to understand the origins of their behaviors. They may also visit schools in their area to talk with students and teachers about mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, OCD or eating disorders, how to ask for help and how to support those with mental health conditions.
Ce face un Child Psychologist?
A Children Psychologist, or Child Psychologist, is responsible for working with children and adolescents to help diagnose mental health conditions and suggest treatments. Their duties include talking with children and their parents, referring them to specialists and writing reports to detail the child’s progress
A Child Psychologist ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Child Psychologist ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Assist affected children and families to realize happiness and fulfillment in their daily lives, thereby achieving their developmental milestones
  • Provide detailed documentation and records of evaluations and treatments according to in-house policies
  • Educate family members on interventions they can do for their child or how to respond to certain behaviors
  • Coordinate with other child health experts, like child protection workers, pediatricians and social workers to facilitate and ensure the psychological development of a child
  • Organize educational programs to educate adolescents or teenagers on the repercussions of high-risk behaviors and ways to adjust to them
  • Address issues such as depression, bullying, various mental health issues and learning difficulties in children by providing appropriate psychological intervention
  • Offer recommendations concerning the nature of child custody cases, as well as determine the suitability of each parent to take the sole custody of a child
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Child Psychologist va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Excellent communication skills, particularly the ability to communicate with children of different ages and from varied socio-economic and cultural backgrounds
  • Problem-solving skills in arriving at conclusions from a diagnosis and recommending appropriate treatment
  • Empathic quality in addressing the emotional needs of children
  • Willingness to attend seminars and meetings about topics relevant to child psychology
  • Knowledge of different therapeutic methods and ability to switch between different treatment strategies to meet each child’s needs
  • Adherence to professional, legal and ethical regulations, as required by relevant regulatory bodies and the law
  • Patience and understanding when dealing with children’s emotional issues
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