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Athletic Director

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Athletic Directors work at recreational facilities, schools, colleges and other private organizations to create and administer a physical education and sports program. Athletic Directors supervise employees in their organization’s athletic department, often recruiting coaches to lead classes on a particular sport. A key part of their job is to lead fundraising efforts by planning fundraising events, coordinating promotional materials and collaborating with alumni or family-run booster clubs. They can resolve conflicts between players on a team, attend games and championships and monitor teams to ensure they meet the requirements of athletic leagues and associations.
Ce face un Athletic Director?
An Athletic Director, or Sports Director, is responsible for the general operations of athletic programs and sports teams, including coordinating with other sports programs and athletic leagues. Their duties include preparing departmental budgets, hiring and training coaches and creating schedules for training and sports matches.
A Athletic Director ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care Athletic Director ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Prepare budgets for athletic programs and allocate athletic funds.
  • Provide leadership and guidance for sports activities and programs.
  • Supervise purchase and maintenance of athletic equipment and facilities.
  • Ensure compliance with government rules and league policies.
  • Act as a liaison with selectors, leagues and government agencies.
  • Coordinate with Coaches on team travel, game scheduling and practice sessions.
  • Prepare and present reports on team performance and needs for improvement.
  • Mediate any disputes arising between Coaches and Athletes.
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv Athletic Director va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • Bachelor’s degree in physical education, sports management or a related area (Master’s degree preferred)
  • Over five years of experience in teaching or coaching
  • A minimum of two years of experience in athletic administration
  • Ability to develop and implement athletic programs
  • Effective leadership, communication and team management skills
  • Excellent knowledge of athletic laws and regulations
  • Strong negotiation and public relationship skills
  • Good physical health and willingness to travel
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