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Educație > American Sign Language Interpreter
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American Sign Language Interpreter

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ASL Interpreters are tasked with bridging the communication gap between people who can hear and those who are hard of hearing, whether it’s at school, medical facility, church, concert or other location. Quality interpreters can effectively capture and translate spoken information before immediately interpreting it for a hard of hearing audience, often using high-level, specialized vocabulary. To execute this, interpreters must spend large parts of the day concentrating, focusing on auditory and visual information before conveying it. American Sign Language Interpreters may specialize in a specific mode of communication, like oral interpreters, who silently mouth words in English for easier lip-reading. Transliterators are another form of ASL Interpreters who use a visually-coded language that follows the grammatical structure of written English.
Ce face un American Sign Language Interpreter?
An American Sign Language Interpreter, or ASL Interpreter, is a person fluent in American Sign Language who facilitates communication between those who can hear and people who are hard of hearing. Their main duties include translating spoken and written words, interpreting signs into English for hearing persons and enabling direct interaction with them in professional or educational settings.
A American Sign Language Interpreter ar trebui să poată îndeplini diverse sarcini și responsabilități. Următoarele sunt câteva îndatoriri și responsabilități pe care American Sign Language Interpreter ar trebui să le poată îndeplini:
  • Accurately interpreting spoken work situations like lectures, conversations and meetings
  • Translating American Sign Language into English
  • Working with an organization’s faculty to better facilitate communication with hard of hearing members of the community
  • Collaborating with other ASL Interpreters
  • Utilizing technology to transcribe spoken English in some settings
Aptitudini necesare
Un competitiv American Sign Language Interpreter va avea anumite abilități și calificări, inclusiv:
  • A strong grasp of both English and American Sign Language
  • The ability to facilitate communication with discretion and impartiality
  • Proficiency in oral and written communication
  • A wide breadth of knowledge in a variety of topics
  • Strong social awareness for interpretation with empathy and attentiveness
  • Understanding of the cultural norms and conventions of the American Deaf Community
  • The ability to track and remember information and concepts while simultaneously interpreting them
  • Physical stamina and dexterity for extended interpretation sessions
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