1.5% cashback on your purchases
Description about Cauciucuridirect
Delticom, liderul european al vanzarilor de cauciucuri online, a fost infiintat in 1999 in Hannover. Interprinzatorul  ofera clientilor persoane fizice si juridice o diversitate a produselor in 128 de magazine online din 42 de tari. Ca de exemplu: cauciucuri auto, de motocicleta, de camionete de autobuz, cauciucuri speciale, cauciuri pentru biciclete si roti
complete (cauciucuri montate pe jante), piese de schimb si accesorii pentru automobile, ulei de motor si baterii.
Additional info
Your cashback should appear within 2 weeks of posting your payment as pending
The money will be added to your account
How to use cashback
Choose one of the stores and visit it by click the button above
Make a purchase online and receive your product
The money will be added to your account in 30 days
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