Watch ad videos and discover new products you may like.

Explanation of the method of earning and some advices.
Start making money in just 2 simple steps.

Paidwork - Watch ad videos and discover new products you may like.


This earning method is based on watching videos. To use this method of monetization, you don't need any additional skills. All you have to do is watch short 30-second videos. You don't have to open the video manually - it will be displayed immediately after you click the green Start Watching Videos button. Our system precisely tailors the displayed ads to your interests. You're only looking at what is most interesting to you.
Your salary depends on the time you spend watching the ad videos. Each video has an assigned number of points you can earn for watching it. For this earning method you can gain between 1 and 10 points.

Paidwork - Introduction

How to start?

Log in to your Paidwork account

Paidwork - How to start?
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Choose a method of earning

Paidwork - Choose a method of earning
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Start watching videos

Paidwork - Start watching videos

Helpful information

In order to earn points in this method you must watch whole videos. After 30 seconds of watching the video is completed and you can receive the amount of points specified in the description of the task.

If you turn off the device you are currently using to watch videos - do not worry. You can return to the app and watch the video once again.

Every tutorial video you will find on our Paidwork YouTube channel.

Paidwork - Helpful information

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