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Marketing > Product Marketing Manager
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🎯 Marketing

Product Marketing Manager

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🎯 Marketing
🎯 Marketing
Product Marketing Managers work on a company’s marketing team to determine the most appealing features of their products and promote them to prospective and current customers. They must be experts on the company’s products and features to properly market them and to inform customers of their value and benefits. Product Marketing Managers will conduct thorough research on competitors and will perform market research to understand what consumers look for in their ideal products.
O que faz um Product Marketing Manager?
A Product Marketing Manager, or Product Promotions Manager, promotes products and their features to an organization’s target audience. Their duties include studying the company’s products, locating key features that will attract customers and creating marketing campaigns for products.
Um Product Marketing Manager deve ser capaz de cumprir vários deveres e responsabilidades. A seguir apresentam-se alguns deveres e responsabilidades que um Product Marketing Manager deve ser capaz de desempenhar:
  • Determine the type of advertising and marketing content, such as TV, radio, print, digital or social media, that needs to be created and distributed.
  • Manage a calendar scheduling the creation of each piece of content and the planned release of each piece of content.
  • Work with in-house or external Writers and other content creators to create the desired content.
  • Outline a product timeline and oversee the project’s successful execution.
  • Create and manage budgets for the product.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with external vendors whose products or services will be needed for the product.
Habilidades necessárias
Um Product Marketing Manager competitivo terá determinadas competências e qualificações, incluindo:
  • Product management skills
  • Marketing expertise
  • Organizational skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Prioritization skills
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