Debt Collectors work either for an organization or for debt collection agencies contacting people who owe money to an organization. They work closely with customers to communicate how much they owe the company, set a payment deadline and assist them with a payment plan to eventually resolve their debt. Many Debt Collectors are often in charge of investigating certain payment discrepancies and working to properly resolve them. They typically build trust and relationships with customers to help prevent future payment issues.
O que faz um Debt Collector?
A Debt Collector work with customers to collect their outstanding debts to an organization. Their duties include organizing and keeping track of customer’s outstanding debt accounts, contacting debtors to learn more about their payment status and negotiating payments and payment plans with customers.
Um Debt Collector deve ser capaz de cumprir vários deveres e responsabilidades. A seguir apresentam-se alguns deveres e responsabilidades que um Debt Collector deve ser capaz de desempenhar:
Manage multiple delinquent accounts for debt collection efforts.
Keep track of assigned accounts to identify outstanding debts.
Plan a course of action to recover outstanding payments.
Negotiate payoff deadlines or payment plans.
Handle questions or complaints.
Investigate and resolve discrepancies in payments or accounts.
Habilidades necessárias
Um Debt Collector competitivo terá determinadas competências e qualificações, incluindo:
Office and database software skills
Negotiation and conflict resolution skills
Speaking and listening skills
Multi-tasking and time management skills
Prioritization skills
Knowledge of relevant legal requirements
Ofertas semelhantes
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