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Outro > Program Director
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Program Director

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Program Directors may be responsible for a single program or oversee the development and implementation of multiple programs within their organization. The role of a Program Director is to identify company objectives and create programs that further those goals, determining the type of content they want to produce through the program and setting benchmarks for success. The Program Director determines the operations structure for each project and makes choices about funding, staffing, reporting and marketing. They appoint employees to key program roles and delegate tasks based on their skills and experience. Program Directors communicate with senior management about the progress of their programs.
O que um Program Director faz?
A Program Director, or Project Director, is responsible for overseeing all aspects of an organizational initiative, including hiring staff, managing the budget and advertising the program to potential participants. Their duties include setting the scope of the program, setting deadlines and delegating tasks to team members.
Um Program Director deve ser capaz de cumprir vários deveres e responsabilidades. A seguir estão alguns deveres e responsabilidades que um Program Director deve ser capaz de executar:
  • Hire, train and be a motivating mentor to staff.
  • Lead large group discussions to answer questions and remedy complaints.
  • Create and nurture effective communication within the organization.
  • Build a strong team through open communication and by collaborating on decision-making responsibilities.
  • Initiate and set goals for programs based on the organization’s strategic objectives.
  • Plan programs from start to finish, including identifying processes, deadlines and milestones.
Habilidades necessárias
Um Program Director competitivo terá certas habilidades e qualificações, incluindo:
  • Demonstrated leadership skills
  • Strategic mindset
  • Ability to multitask
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
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