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Inne > Training Manager
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Training Manager

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💎 Inne
Training Managers are typically employed by companies that require substantial training and education for their employees. Training Managers work in a number of industries. Their primary objective is to find the appropriate professionals to provide training and oversee that training. They may also implement online or digital training programs for the company’s employees. Regardless of how employees complete training, the Training Manager helps to track employee training to ensure all members of the team are compliant and up-to-date on their continuing education.
Co robi Training Manager?
A Training Manager, or Education Manager, is responsible for developing learning and development strategies for companies. Their duties include assessing necessary skills, vetting Trainers and implementing training strategies.
Training Manager powinien być w stanie wypełniać różne obowiązki i odpowiedzialności. Poniżej przedstawiono niektóre obowiązki i odpowiedzialności, które Training Manager powinien być w stanie wykonywać:
  • Searching for gaps in training content and materials that need updating to generate higher productivity and safety among staff
  • Researching new training supplies and materials that can enhance a firm’s training procedures while providing value to employees
  • Identifying future training needs and creating a curriculum to facilitate that training
  • Leading programs to assist employees with transitions due to technological changes, acquisitions and mergers
  • Communicating with management, trainers and team members to ensure that all needs are met
  • Setting up executive or leadership development programs for lower-level employees
Wymagane umiejętności
Konkurencyjny Training Manager będzie miał pewne umiejętności i kwalifikacje, w tym:
  • Familiarity with modern and traditional training methods
  • Excellent leadership and motivational skills
  • Ability to plan, manage time and multitask effectively
  • Advanced database and computer skills
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent decision-making and problem-solving skills
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