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Wszystkie oferty
Zdrowie > Surgeon
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💊 Zdrowie


💊 Zdrowie
💊 Zdrowie
Surgeons typically work for hospitals and specialty practices to perform routine or emergency surgeries on medical patients. They work closely with other medical personnel to ensure the completion of effective and safe procedures. Their job is it use their knowledge of a particular surgical specialty like pediatrics, cardiothoracic, neurological or general surgical practices to perform operations. They may be responsible for following up with patients days, weeks or months after completing a surgery to determine its success.
Co robi Surgeon?
A Surgeon, or General Surgeon, is responsible for performing surgeries on patients with injuries or illnesses. Their duties include reviewing patient x-rays and communicating with the patient about the procedure, preparing for surgery and completing surgeries with the assistance of other Surgeons, Nurses and surgical professionals and speaking with patients after the surgery to discuss its success and the recovery process.
Surgeon powinien być w stanie wypełniać różne obowiązki i odpowiedzialności. Poniżej przedstawiono niektóre obowiązki i odpowiedzialności, które Surgeon powinien być w stanie wykonywać:
  • Collect the patient’s medical history
  • Keep the chart and patient information up to date with current test results and treatments
  • Order new tests to be performed by healthcare staff
  • Review test results to identify and diagnose medical conditions
  • Develop treatment plans for patient care
  • Address any of the questions or concerns of the patient or their family
Wymagane umiejętności
Konkurencyjny Surgeon będzie miał pewne umiejętności i kwalifikacje, w tym:
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Detail-oriented
  • Dexterity
  • Compassion
  • Physical stamina
  • Problem-solving skills
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