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Edukacja > Special Education Teacher
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Special Education Teacher

🎓 Edukacja
🎓 Edukacja
Special Education Teachers are typically employed by public schools to educate students who require additional support outside of the traditional classroom. They work with many different types of children, from those who are physically disabled or sensory impaired to those with speech difficulties or autism. Typical responsibilities for Special Education Teachers include providing small group instruction, writing and delivering lesson plans, assessing student work and collaborating with their students’ other Teachers to ensure they’re meeting their student’s needs.
Co robi Special Education Teacher?
A Special Education Teacher, or Special Needs Educator, is responsible for providing the appropriate accommodations and modifications to the set curriculum for their students. Their duties include identifying the individual needs of their students, creating a supportive and effective learning environment and ensuring their students have the resources they need to succeed.
Special Education Teacher powinien być w stanie wypełniać różne obowiązki i odpowiedzialności. Poniżej przedstawiono niektóre obowiązki i odpowiedzialności, które Special Education Teacher powinien być w stanie wykonywać:
  • Teaching a small group of students and individuals inside and outside of the classroom
  • Preparing and executing lessons and resources
  • Assessing the students’ work done in class
  • Developing and adapting individualized teaching methods that are suitable for each of their students
  • Using special tools and equipment provided to stimulate an interesting learning environment
  • Using special skills to teach children Braille, sign language or lip reading
Wymagane umiejętności
Konkurencyjny Special Education Teacher będzie miał pewne umiejętności i kwalifikacje, w tym:
  • Ability to build good relationships with children, parents, Teachers and Social Workers
  • Ability to work well with children from different backgrounds who have different abilities
  • Well-organized and self-driven to devise and adopt new techniques for teaching and keeping the class orderly
  • Ability to manage the classroom despite challenging behavior
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong attention to detail and an inquisitive mind to understand each individual student
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