Media społecznościowe > Content Manager
Content Manager
Content Managers typically work for corporations in close proximity to the marketing, sales or advertising departments. Still, they can also work for content or marketing agencies to help with client campaigns. They research company products, services, target audiences and customer reviews to help drive their content strategies. Their job is to hold meetings with content professionals like Content Writers, Content Strategists, Graphic Designers, Marketers and Videographers to brainstorm ideas and discuss new campaign objectives. They also create content marketing calendars to highlight deadlines for specific projects.
A Content Manager, or Content Supervisor, is responsible for overseeing the creation of multiple forms of content to enhance a company’s credibility and customer-base. Their duties include leading a team of content professionals, creating content strategies to highlight products and services and reviewing competitor content and market trends to identify new content ideas.
Content Manager powinien być w stanie wypełniać różne obowiązki i odpowiedzialności. Poniżej przedstawiono niektóre obowiązki i odpowiedzialności, które Content Manager powinien być w stanie wykonywać:
- Leading a team of writers and overseeing content creation for the company’s website
- Researching and sourcing content for the company’s website
- Targeting a specific set of keywords for all the articles written and published
- Monitoring the competition’s online activities
- Writing, editing and publishing SEO content pieces
- Repurposing content to fit the publishing media, video production or social media
Konkurencyjny Content Manager będzie miał pewne umiejętności i kwalifikacje, w tym:
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Ability to come up with creative ideas
- Strong leadership and management skills
- Detailed knowledge of current online tools and marketing trends, including SEO
- Ability to solve problems swiftly
- Advanced computer skills
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