Paraprofessionals work at public or private schools to enrich each student’s experience in class and help effectively teach age-appropriate curriculum. Their role is to collaborate with Teachers and oversee students so that they get more hands-on attention and personalized help with assignments. Paraprofessionals help take attendance, collect homework and assign tasks to students. While the Teacher guides the group, Paraprofessionals walk around the classroom to check for understanding and explain concepts to students who are having trouble. They prepare reports about each student’s progress and collaborate with the Teacher to create a plan for achieving academic and social benchmarks.
ਇੱਕ Paraprofessional ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Paraprofessional, or Teaching Assistant, is responsible for providing hands-on support to a Teacher when preparing lessons or teaching students in the classroom. Their duties include helping with behavior management during lessons, tracking a student’s grades and behavior and setting up classroom materials before class.