Order Fillers are typically employed by retailers, big box stores and online businesses to assist with the packing and distribution of various items. In addition to warehouses and distribution centers, Order Fillers sometimes work on-site for retailers that ship directly from their stores. An Order Filler is generally provided with an order list that may contain bar codes or serial numbers at the start of each shift, and they utilize that list to locate corresponding items in the warehouse or distribution center’s designated inventory area. Once the items are pulled, the Order Filler prepares and packs them for shipment.
ਇੱਕ Order Filler ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
Order Fillers work in busy, fast-paced environments and are assigned multiple tasks on each shift that must be completed within certain time frames to ensure that shipping and delivery deadlines are met.