A Meat Cutter butchers meat into more useful portions. Animals like cows, pigs and wild game are often transported and sold to wholesalers in larger sections, such as an entire side of beef. A Meat Cutter then transforms those primal cuts into the packaged cuts purchased by restaurants and sold on the refrigerated shelves of grocery stores. An efficient Meat Cutter can make or break a company’s bottom line. Cutting meat with minimal waste and accurately weighing portions improves sales and limits financial losses.
ਇੱਕ Meat Cutter ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Meat Cutter breaks down big cuts of meat into smaller, more manageable portions generally intended for wholesale or retail sale. A standard Meat Cutter job description includes several primary duties: cutting and trimming meat, accurately weighing and portioning ready-for-sale cuts and following all safety and sanitation guidelines.