Logistics Specialist Coordinators typically work for corporations across industries in a warehouse setting to oversee the manufacturing and transportation process. They work closely with the sales team and logisticians to process customer orders and ensure the efficient transportation of products to retail store locations or private addresses. Their job is to look for cost-effective methods to transport products and maintain sufficient product inventory at warehouse locations. They may also be responsible for coordinating schedules and transportation routes for Drivers to ensure the fast movement of goods from one location to another.
ਇੱਕ Logistics Specialist Coordinator ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Logistics Specialist Coordinator, or Logistics Specialist, is responsible for overseeing the supply chain for company products from the manufacturing stage through to storage and product orders. Their duties include managing vehicle repairs and Driver needs, monitoring supply chain software to track order shipments and investigating lost shipments or late deliveries.