Logistics Coordinators are typically employed by supply chain operations to manage the storage and transportation processes of the organization’s inventory and goods. They’ll acquire, store and take inventory of the raw materials needed for a product. Once the product is ready for distribution, the Logistics Coordinator will perform a quality check. They’ll then review the purchase orders and will prepare the product for delivery. As it’s being delivered, the Logistics Coordinator will review and monitor the shipment’s delivery timeline to ensure it reaches the customer the customer quickly and safely. If there are any shipment or inventory issues, the Logistics Coordinators are responsible for addressing and resolving them.
ਇੱਕ Logistics Coordinator ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Logistics Coordinator, or Logistics Specialist Coordinator, prepares, routes and manages a company’s purchase orders. Their main duties include reviewing shipment materials before distributions, collaborating with transportation systems to ensure prompt shipment pick-ups and monitoring shipment costs and productivity processes.