A Lactation Consultant empowers parents to breastfeed/chestfeed their babies. They provide support, encouragement, instruction and education that allows breastfeeding people to overcome obstacles that make it difficult to start or continue nursing. When they perform the duties listed in a Lactation Consultant job description successfully, they contribute to positive health outcomes for new parents and their babies. Their work also directly impacts client satisfaction and can help employers grow through word-of-mouth referrals.
ਇੱਕ Lactation Consultant ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Lactation Consultant, or Lactation Specialist, is a healthcare professional who provides support and education for people who are breastfeeding or chestfeeding their babies. Some duties you may wish to list in a Lactation Consultant job description include observing clients’ breastfeeding/chestfeeding techniques and offering advice on how to improve, maintaining accurate client records and leading breastfeeding classes, support groups and workshops.