Financial Analysts typically work at banks, consulting firms, mutual funds and corporations to generate wise investment strategies and support overall financial growth and stability. Their role is to analyze economic conditions, stock market performance and other details to provide expert advice to company leadership before they make financial decisions. Financial Analysts organize data into accessible reports and perform various types of analysis using key metrics such as yearly growth, return on assets, return on equity and earnings per share. They gather data about other companies to determine industry standards and identify trends as they develop.
ਇੱਕ Financial Analyst ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Financial Analyst, or Accounting Analyst, studies a company’s financial data to give advice for guiding business investments and overall financial strategy. Their duties include predicting the return on investment for different stocks and business ventures, writing financial reports and collecting industry research to inform decision making.