EMTs are medical professionals who work for health care facilities and arrive on the scene of emergency situations to provide basic life support and patient care. They’ll work closely with Paramedics and other emergency medical personnel to assess the situation and provide care for the patient until arriving at the hospital. EMTs may also assist other health care personnel in administering advanced life support to patients in need. Many Emergency Medical Technicians are trained to drive the emergency vehicles in a safe but efficient manner to the emergency medical facility. When they arrive at the hospital, the EMT is responsible for explaining the situation to hospital staff and relaying the patients’ vitals. They must fill out patient reports after caring for a patient.
ਇੱਕ EMT Emergency Medical Technician ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
An EMT, or Emergency Medical Technician, responds to emergency situations by stabilizing patients before taking them to a medical care facility. Their main duties include transporting patients to hospitals, driving emergency vehicles safely and responsibly and quickly responding to calls made by Dispatchers.