Editors typically work for newspapers, magazines or publishing houses to ensure they produce quality, error-free content for their readers. They work closely with Writers, fact-checkers, publishers and other editors to prepare a piece written content for publication. Their job is to read through a manuscript or article multiple times to correct punctuation and grammar mistakes. They also make notes in the margins about confusing passages and advice for Writers during the revision period. They may also need to know how to use specific editing software programs to markup electronic manuscripts or documents.
ਇੱਕ Editor ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
An Editor, or Copy Editor, is responsible for reading manuscripts and other forms of written content to check for errors and areas to refine the piece. Their duties include maintaining close communication with Writers, referring to style guides and client directions to improve the content and making corrections to grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes throughout a piece of content.