A Cyber Security Specialist reduces risks for the company they work for or for multiple companies that contract the services of a cyber security firm. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in computer systems, they save businesses the lost time and revenue associated with data retrieval. In addition, they allow companies to keep customer information more secure, lowering the likelihood of data breaches that can diminish trust and lead to lost business. When cyber attacks do occur, a Cyber Security Specialist can limit the damage done and then strengthen the system to help prevent recurrences.
ਇੱਕ Cyber Security Specialist ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Cyber Security Specialist, or IT Security Specialist, protects computer systems from external threats and data loss. They identify risks for data theft and loss, develop solutions for addressing vulnerabilities and deploy countermeasures to respond when cyber attacks occur.