Billing Clerks typically work for a variety of corporations across industries, including retail, food service, healthcare, entertainment and manufacturing. They work closely with the accounting or finance departments to ensure that their company receives necessary payments and sends out checks to pay for services on time. Their job is to identify outstanding client debts and create invoices accordingly. They also review receipts and other data to create a collection of figures to contribute to a client’s final invoice document. They may also compare invoices with shipment logs to ensure that their company receives the correct amount of products for the amount they paid.
ਇੱਕ Billing Clerk ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
A Billing Clerk, or Invoicing Clerk, is responsible for creating financial documents like credit memos and invoices for customers to receive. Their duties include processing bills from clients or customers, overseeing the review of monthly balances across departments and maintaining organized financial records of invoices and other documents.