Adjunct Professors are part-time college professors who are often hired on a contract basis. While they’re called part-time, they might have a full-time course load during the average semester. An Adjunct Professor is contracted to teach specific classes for a semester or academic year, either in-person or online, and usually doesn’t have the additional responsibilities that full-time professors might have. They may instruct college courses at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate, in any subject. The coursework they teach typically relates to their work industry. For example, a former Police Officer might teach criminal justice classes or a published Author might teach writing classes.
ਇੱਕ Adjunct Professor ਕੀ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ?
An Adjunct Professor, or Adjunct Instructor, teaches college courses on a part-time, contractual basis. Their duties include developing syllabi and assignments, teaching classes and assessing student performance.