Medical Billers work in healthcare settings to manage incoming and outgoing payments for medical treatment. Their role is to communicate with patients about their outstanding balance and handling the administrative responsibilities of billing insurance and processing payments. Medical Billers interpret patient charts and medical codes to determine how much they own and whether any outside insurance covers part or all of their balance. They document each step in the billing process and manage patient information in a billing software database.
Wat doet een Medical Biller?
A Medical Biller, or Insurance Billing Specialist, is responsible for organizing patient medical costs and sending invoices to collect payment from patients and their insurers. Their duties include calling patients to discuss payment and develop reasonable payment plans, entering patient data into administrative systems and recording information about outstanding claims.
Een Medical Biller moet in staat zijn om verschillende taken en verantwoordelijkheden te vervullen. Hieronder staan enkele taken en verantwoordelijkheden die een Medical Biller moet kunnen uitvoeren:
Perform posting charges
Perform completion of claims to payers
Conduct duties in a professional and timely fashion
Submit billing data to the appropriate insurance providers
Process claims
Achieve maximum reimbursement for services provided
Benodigde vaardigheden
Een concurrerende Medical Biller zal bepaalde vaardigheden en kwalificaties hebben, waaronder:
Effective communication skills
Basic computer skills, such as sending emails, typing, and using spreadsheets
Interact virtually with clients and patients
Creative problem-solving skills
Work independently
Collaborate well with others
Soortgelijke aanbiedingen
Als u werft voor functies die gerelateerd zijn aan een Medical Biller, bekijk dan onze functiebeschrijvingen voor vergelijkbare rollen: