Licensed Clinical Social Workers work with individuals and families to help them deal with common life challenges. They support them through mental, emotional and behavioral issues, and they diagnose and treat certain problems related to those areas, with therapy often being a treatment option.
Wat doet een Licensed Clinical Social Worker?
A Licensed Clinical Social Worker, or Social Worker, provides behavioral, emotional and mental health support for clients. Their duties include evaluating clients, developing care plans and connecting clients with community resources.
Een Licensed Clinical Social Worker moet in staat zijn om verschillende taken en verantwoordelijkheden te vervullen. Hieronder staan enkele taken en verantwoordelijkheden die een Licensed Clinical Social Worker moet kunnen uitvoeren:
Evaluating clients to determine their needs and the support options that can help them
Creating individualized care plans for each client
Referring clients to community resources to help their specific situations
Collaborating with other care providers to coordinate services
Monitoring clients
Maintaining records of treatments and services
Benodigde vaardigheden
Een concurrerende Licensed Clinical Social Worker zal bepaalde vaardigheden en kwalificaties hebben, waaronder:
Empathy and emotional intelligence
Strong communication skills
Knowledge of various therapy options and treatments
Familiarity with local resources that could help individuals and families
Problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
Organizational and case management skills
Soortgelijke aanbiedingen
Als u werft voor functies die gerelateerd zijn aan een Licensed Clinical Social Worker, bekijk dan onze functiebeschrijvingen voor vergelijkbare rollen: