Lawyers typically work for law firms to assist clients in developing a case for criminal or civil court. They work closely with other legal professionals to interview witnesses, review laws or regulations and collect evidence prior to a hearing or trial. Their job is to represent their client in court and interview witnesses on the stand. They may also be responsible for traveling as a part of their job to find witnesses or obtain important documents.
Wat doet een Lawyer?
A Lawyer, or Attorney, is responsible for using their specialized knowledge of national, state or local laws to help their clients receive fair representation in a court of law. Their duties include meeting with clients to determine their needs, coordinating with Legal Assistants and other legal professionals to compile documents and speaking on behalf of their clients in court.
Een Lawyer moet in staat zijn om verschillende taken en verantwoordelijkheden te vervullen. Hieronder staan enkele taken en verantwoordelijkheden die een Lawyer moet kunnen uitvoeren:
Preparing all documents required to file cases, including briefs and other court documents
Working closely with team members to prepare a comprehensive brief on each case that goes to trial
Scheduling and conducting depositions of witnesses and experts
Researching legal concepts, case law, judicial opinions, statutes and regulations
Providing proper legal citation and statutory interpretation
Maintaining accurate case files, notes and reports
Benodigde vaardigheden
Een concurrerende Lawyer zal bepaalde vaardigheden en kwalificaties hebben, waaronder:
Professional attitude with a strong sense of discretion to keep sensitive information secure and private
Excellent interpersonal communication skills when working with clients, members of the court and other employees
Strong organizational abilities and time management skills to handle many cases at once
Workable knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet tools, presentation software and other technologies
Good research skills and techniques, including using case studies to make supporting claims and arguments
Knowledge of various legal contracts, documentation, processes and policies
Soortgelijke aanbiedingen
Als u werft voor functies die gerelateerd zijn aan een Lawyer, bekijk dan onze functiebeschrijvingen voor vergelijkbare rollen: