A Park Ranger, or Park Keeper, protects wildlife, people and the ecosystem within a state or national park. Their duties include the upkeep and enforcement of park rules and regulations, conducting tours and performing animal care and park maintenance.
Park Ranger은 다양한 업무 및 책임을 이행할 수 있어야 합니다. 다음은 Park Ranger이 실행할 수 있어야 하는 몇 가지 업무 및 책임입니다.
- Providing information to visitors and answering their questions in detail
- Leading tours and presenting educational talks and programs
- Ensuring conditions are up to standard by performing thorough patrols
- Gathering data about visitors and using the information to improve operations
- Maintaining and enforcing safety rules and regulations
- Preparing campsites for visitors and performing essential maintenance
경쟁력 있는 Park Ranger은 다음을 포함한 특정 기술과 자격을 갖추고 있습니다.
- A love of the outdoors and sufficient physical stamina to spend long days moving around
- In addition to a passion for nature, Park Rangers must be able to inspire and motivate others
- A confident, self-assured demeanor to help the public feel safe
- Strong analytical and data processing abilities to help resolve issues and prevent a recurrence
- The ability to work independently and solve problems under pressure
- Keen interest in protecting plants, animals, historical sites, people and natural resources