A Film Director, or Movie Director, manages and directs all the creative elements and components of a film. Their main duties include reading and adding edits to scripts, setting the blocking for Actors and collaborating with Editors during post-production to create a visually appealing and captivating final product.
Film Director は、さまざまな職務と責任を果たすことができなければなりません。以下は、Film Director が実行できるいくつかの職務と責任です:
- Communicating with everyone involved in the project
- Working with other team supervisors to ensure the project stays on task and that deadlines and budget constraints are met
- Hiring cast members, production professionals and other individuals involved in the filmmaking process
- Reading and editing scripts
競争力のある Film Director には、次のような特定のスキルと資格があります:
- Creativity
- Technical skills
- Budget management
- Team management
- Communication skills