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Video Game Tester

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The main task of Video Game Testers is to play and test a video game extensively after its initial development and before the final launch. Afterward, they make specific recommendations to the developers based on their gameplay experience.
Cosa fa un Video Game Tester?
A Video Game Tester is responsible for playing video games to test their functionality, identify any bugs or glitches, and report to the Game Developers. The role is critical in the video game development process, as testers help develop a high-quality video game that is enjoyable for the gamers to play.
Un Video Game Tester dovrebbe essere in grado di svolgere vari doveri e responsabilità. Di seguito sono riportati alcuni doveri e responsabilità che un Video Game Tester dovrebbe essere in grado di eseguire:
  • Thoroughly testing game features and functionality
  • Completing all in-game missions and side-missions, possibly multiple times
  • Identifying and reporting any software glitches
  • Exploring different ways to approach the game, such as trying it with other in-game characters
  • Playing the game for long periods to identify any issues that may arise
  • Checking out in-game captions and menu titles to make sure they are coherent and easily understandable
Competenze richieste
Un Video Game Tester competitivo avrà determinate competenze e qualifiche, tra cui:
  • A genuine passion for playing video games
  • Familiarity with software or game development process flow
  • A good eye for detail to spot any inconsistencies or bugs
  • Creative thinking to suggest possible improvement areas
  • Excellent communication skills to communicate with the stakeholders
  • Patience with playing the game for long hours and often repetitively
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